
We are Aesutus Digital Team

모두가 안전한 사이버 공간을 만들겠습니다

We will create a safe cyber space for everyone

Global Digital and Privacy Solution

Digital Reputation Care Service


온라인 상의 기록으로 인해 더 이상 고통받지 않는 세상.

평범한 일상으로 돌아갈 수 있는 세상을 만들고자 합니다.

기업과 개인이 모두 안심하고 맡길 수 있는 디지털 이미지 케어 서비스 에이스터스

온라인 일상 회복을 위한 첫 걸음... 지금 바로 경험해보세요!

We are Aestus the heat and fire giving the light for all our clients and brands guiding through struggles on open internet. Aestus Digital Team are individuals with various background and education area. Diverse driven team from around the globe and even spoke over 20+ languages. We are a proud team and even will make be the light house to shine to guide brands and clients to prevent threats by constant monitoring and even our analyst will investigate per incident and report.

What kind of world is Aesutus pursuing? A world where records no longer suffer from online records. We want to create a world where people can go back to their normal lives.

Aesutus is a start up based working on Digital footprint tracking and preventing possible cyber activities around the world. We track, detect and even delete any bad data related with sexortion cyber crime materials. Aesutus will give guidance with our clients, business and agency that can be prevented with these digital threats which is an on going problem around the globe.

A lot of sextortion cases start with another type of online attack such as catfishing or impersonation. When catfishing, the perpetrator will pose as someone else, usually someone either very attractive, like a beautiful young woman or a handsome and rich businessman, or relatable, like someone with similar interests as the victim. Proficient catfishing sextorters or black mailers operate in a very shrewd way.

They create convincing fake social media profiles with stolen photos and elaborate profile text with lures and even social engineering threats such as active malware variants or even phishing impersonated are being used in the wild.

We are "Digital Cyber Crime Response Team" constantly monitoring and preventing any possible digital threats around the globe. We track every languages spoken where sexortion cyber crime is happening in every countries with various languages used to exploit and groom vulnerable users on the internet. When you get a sextortion threat that has happen in place. Do not panic and reach a professional... You can reach us out and we will give possible guidance to prevent these attacks that has happen in place and also future.

Don’t pay the extorter anything

Don’t click or download on any links or attachments

Don’t engage with the bad actor

Do not share compromised data